Freeduino / Arduino LCD Keypad Shield
This is a FIRST LCD Keypad shield board for Arduino or Freeduino board, which has unique features:
•Directly plug onto the Arudino board, no soldering or fly-wiring needed.
•A 16x2 HD44780 compatible LCD, White character & Blue backlight.
•Use Arudino LCD4Bit library.
•Joystick style Keypad with 5 pushbuttons, but only use ONE ADC PIN on Arudino.
What is included
ONE Arduino LCD Keypad Shiled V1.1, fully assembled & tested
Programming Notes
Modified LCD4Bit Interface -- To preserve the SPI port for future use, the Digital IO pins DB7-10 and pin11 & pin 12 used in the original LCD4Bit library have been moved to DB4-7 and pin 8 & pin 9 respectively. Please refer to:
Arduino LCD keypad shield v1.1 schematic
Joystick-Style Keypad -- To save the precious digital I/O pin resource. The Joystick style keypad only uses ONE A/D channel – AD0. The 5 pushbuttons are connected to AD0 via a 5-stage resistor voltage divider, please refer to the schematic for details.
LCD4Bit_mod Library --
1.Download the Modified LCD4Bit library HERE
2.Unzip the library inside arduino-0010/hardware/libraries/
3.Start the Arduino IDE and import the LCD4Bit_mod library.
4.You might run the example LCD4Bit_modExample.pde to test the LCD and the Joystick style Keypad.
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